About Us
Our story
The need to make a difference to the well being of the community was the motivation behind the birth of JCO. As local residents of the larger Samia Sub-County, Busia County, we have grown up facing the challenges in getting appropriate health care, lack of sustainable social economic activities and the daily degrading of the environment which has left the community dragging behind in development, making it vulnerable and trapped in viscous cycles of poverty and exposing the young people to the current dangers HIV/AIDS, early pregnancy and marriages, drug abuse etc. Another consequence of youth poverty has been accelerated by the pace of rural-urban migration in search of elusive opportunities – a fact which depresses production potential in the rural areas, and also leads to increased frustration of such youth in their urban destination areas.
To break this york of vulnerability, JCO is targeting the youth in the community who are illiterate, school dropouts, unemployed and idle, living in deplorable conditions in rural settings and they need a hand that can support them through vocational training to equip them with constructive knowledge and reliable skills, innovation and invention, talent nurturing, empowerment and investment ability for economic development and self-reliance. Much focus will be put on those in and out of schools and have limited exposure to skills development opportunities and lagging behind in information and communication technology.
This integrated approach will address the four critical aspects of sustainable development in healthcare, socio- economic, agribusiness and environmental conservation activities that are basic to the human person through encouraging use of the best and possible available local resources leaning on a social enterprise model. We believe that meaningful programs provide a defining experience for the volunteers and the local people; and doing so, the work we do transforms communities.
We’re making the world a better place, one participant at a time.
To open the door of innovation and invention opportunities to the young people through hands-on skills, agribusiness and environment conservation leaning on a social enterprise approach.
Our Vision
To have a sustainable youth employment, quality healthcare, community food security and clean environment.
Core Values